progettazione della testata di una delle due pensisole che compongono il masterplan di Borneo-Sporenburg
Ente banditore
Architecture Workshop in Rome
Amsterdam, NL
Francesco Pallavicini
Dialectical comparison and reversal of the existing language.
The sequence of the buildings of Borneo-Sporenburg is concluded by a vertical perforated scenic backdrop which, overturning he original formal values, interrupts it but, at the same time, relates with the boundless surrounding landscape.
The facade is a barrier , which, at the same time, declares and denies its function, thanks to the presence on its surface of a regular sequence of square openings, protected by glass cubes.
The wall turns into a lightweight filter that modulates the direct light and amplifies the effects of the rays that are reflected on the water, in a vibrant and dynamic way, and, in the night, becomes a facade of stars.
The role of the plans and surfaces reverses itself and the building becomes extroverted: the facades along the canal and the street lose their materiality.
The internal spaces are fully declared in their state of the integrated system, composed by aggregation of pure andseparated volumes. It’s the principle of architecture within architecture that, compositionally, creates interstitial spaces with proper functions.
The roof reverses itself and slide: it juts out into the territory becoming the giant scale loggia of a public space. The cubes protrude outside together with a similar larger volume, a real environment - telescope stretching out into the se. It helps to overthrow the effect of closing and, more over, introduces, or ends, the essentiality displacement of the adjacent buildings. The facade thus assumes a three-dimensional shape with a clear ornamental effect.Immediately noticeable even from a distance,
the front acquires a dynamic monumentality, modulated on contemporary rhythms: ambiguous between the modernity of a large cantilever roof towards the sea and the classicism of a monumental loggia.The dynamic effect is increased by the alternation of Green materials: glass, on which breaks up the light, wood, planking ship’s deck shaped and GRC walls which, with their white smooth and changing finishing gives the surfaces a great plastic and massive value. The GRC (glass reinforced concrete) is a particularly lightweight and ductile material. It is cast in two-layered panels and can contain within an insulation panel with green, recyclable and recycled materials.The public space is organized with a new arrangement of the pier on two levels which are adjusted and connected with an easily accessible ramp. The interlocking of the two levels generates a strip of green from which two white diaphragms are born, similar to the wings of a seagull or an origami work The perforated wall and the giant scale loggia of the house join together at the level of the lower pier to form a pavilion. This is aligned to the existing buildings to allow a clear view towards the sea from the two public roads and provide, on the opposite side, adequate cover where people can stay and children can play.The house benefits from the internal play of solids and voids in the fret worked facade because the cubes becomes highly suggestive lighting telescopes, which modulate the reflection of the sun on the water and meet the fundamental requirement of lighting typical of the Nordic countries.At the same time, it allows the privacy and overlooking to the sea, fulfils the need of protection and becomes an urban façade for the public space.